Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The Long Haul

 There's one of them Internet widgets down at the bottom of the page that is keeping track of how many days we have left until the next Presidential Election. Here in the United States, that is. It will be here in November. That's on the other side of the summer. And even though most sentient beings on this planet have made their choice already, there are still moments left to try and sway those who will show up at the polls.

So we'll wait while that undecided group in the so-called Swing States try and figure out left from right, up from down, and let them decide the future of our once great democracy. 

I frequently run past a ballot box on one of the routes I run over the course of a week. I could just go ahead and punch my ticket now. Wake me up when the balloons fall. I'm fed up already. 

This past week, Salem Media Group said that it would not longer distribute the film or the book titled 2000 Mules. This was the "documentary" slapped together by Dinesh D'Souza in the wake of the last election, the one that was held four years ago, to uncover "widespread voter fraud" that culminated in the only former president to become a convicted felon losing. Not because of an attack of conscience, mind you, but because of a defamation suit brought by a man in Georgia, Mark Andrews, who was shown in the film dropping off five ballots way in November of 2020. The company issued this statement, just before they announced that they would no longer be swinging the voter fraud hammer: “We apologize for the hurt the inclusion of Mr. Andrews’ image in the movie, book, and promotional materials have caused Mr. Andrews and his family.” As it turns out, like so many of the examples in this now thoroughly discredited conspiratorial hack job, there was a very simple reason for the five ballots: Mister Andrews was dropping off ballots for his family members. 

In February of this year, the organization called True The Vote that supported the making of this now thoroughly debunked made up cabal admitted in court that there was no evidence of the voter fraud they had made such a fuss about. 

And yet, here we are, just a few months left on the clock before we all head out once again to the polls and these ninnies are still frothing about a "Stolen Election." Right before the pending election. And don't you think that this one has all the potential to be even more full of pointy-headed idjits screaming about how unfair it is when convicted felons don't get the fair shake they deserve. The same guy who called Georgia's Secretary of State asking him to "find 11,780 votes." 

To paraphrase the poet, wake me up when November ends. 

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