Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Spiritually Bankrupt

 Can I have an amen for Pastor Robert Morris? 

You may remember him as the one-time spiritual advisor to the former "president" and convicted felon. You may also remember him as a child molester. This "Man of God" recently confessed to having had a sexual relationship with a twelve year old girl. Since this sort of thing happens with absurd frequency here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, this inappropriate connection may have missed your notice. 

Perhaps because he kept it a secret for twenty years. The abuse took place between 1985 and 1987. The good news? Pastor Robert claims that this behavior has been “confessed and repented of."

Well, that's a relief, huh? 

For Pastor Robert, maybe. But then there's also the matter of the actual victim in this matter. The girl, now a woman who was seeking to find justice and closure on this matter. What did Morris have to say at that time? “Debbie and I really do care for you and we sincerely want God’s best for you,” he wrote, speaking of his wife, Debbie. “My attorney advises that if I pay you any money under a threat of exposure, you could be criminally prosecuted and Debbie and I do not want that.”

In other words, don't try to blackmail me because I will expose you as the twelve year old victim of sexual assault. That was back in 2005. The girl was not a young woman, looking for some sort of resolution. She wrote back: “Men that have over one hundred counts of child molestation go to prison. Men who pastor churches that have over one hundred counts of child molestation go to prison and pay punitive damages. You have not had to do either.”

Now, some forty years later, these emails have surfaced and Pastor Robert has resigned as head of the Gateway Church, where their website proudly announces that "we’re all about people." Apparently they're the kind of people who will gladly accept a piece of damaged goods like Morris after he "took some time away from the church" before the Gateway folks put him in charge of their flock. 

Until now, that is. Once the truth was out, I guess Pastor Robert decided that he should "take some more time away from the church." While we wait for more revelations, if you'll pardon my biblical pun there. 

Stay tuned. 

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