Friday, June 07, 2024

Nice Things

 Hey. Mexico, our neighbors to the south just elected their first woman president. They join an ever-expanding list of countries that have a female chief executive. Claudia Sheinbaum won the election with nearly sixty percent of the vote. Second place went to Xóchitl Gálvez, another woman. Some guy came in third with eleven percent. This is what we call a landslide. 

Not a queen, mind you. A democratically elected President of the Republic. For the first time in two hundred years. And get this, she's Jewish. And she's a Nobel Prize-winning climate scientist. In her victory speech, Sheinbaum said she would continue to enforce policies enacted by former president Andres Manuel López Obrador, such as his social welfare programs, to address economic inequality. 

And I couldn't be more depressed. 

This is just like when Colorado got around to legalizing pot before California. With all due respect to the Mile High State,  why couldn't we get our granola heads around that kind of legislation here in the Golden State? 

Oh well. It's not like we haven't had our chances. You may recall that a former Secretary of State and New York Senator once ran for our nation's highest office back in (checks notes) 2016. A Ms. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote back then, but lost the election because of a bunch of made up junk about her emails and using a pizza joint as a front for a pedophilia ring. I am not making this up.  

I suppose there are those who might still argue that we were better off over the past eight years because of our non-election of Hillary, but these are probably the same lemmings who believe that wind turbines are causing cancer

So now it appears that it will be at least another four years before Americans get to go to the polls and elect their own female Nobel Prize winning scientist. Meanwhile, I wonder if the wall on our southern border will be able to keep U.S. citizens in. 

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