Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Say It

 Say what you will about the Biden administration, but he was creating more jobs. Not eliminating them. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but we didn't have Canada mad at us. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but he didn't have Greenland mad at us. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but plane crashes used to be blamed on physics, not diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but Elon Musk was only ruining Twitter, not the entire country. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but his Secretary of Health and Human Services wasn't controlled by a brain-eating parasite. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but the Super Bowl Champions didn't turn down an invitation to his White House. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but we didn't have to take out a small business loan to buy a dozen eggs. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but at least there were eggs that you could buy if you could afford them. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but he didn't fire the people responsible for our nuclear stockpile. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but he didn't bar reporters from his office for not keeping up with the random renaming of bodies of water. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but Black History existed. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but back then the U.S. Constitution was kept safe behind glass at the National Archives, not being fed through a shredder. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but Joe seemed happy with the title of President, not "King" or "Dictator."

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but he was pardoning felons, not living as one. 

Say what you will about the Biden administration, but return to this list as it continues to grow. 

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