Thursday, September 26, 2024

Get Over It

 The Middle East is exploding. In bits and pieces. Sometimes very large pieces. 

Sri Lanka has a new president.

Russia and Ukraine continue the war that is now in its third year. 

Migrants feel "less welcome" as far-right groups surge in popularity. In Germany.

The world is full of problems, but Marge Taylor Greene's boyfriend and conservative journalist Brian Glenn chose to use his bully pulpit to explore the downfall of the salad bar at Jason’s Deli in Wilmington, North Carolina. Taking his highly developed investigative skills on the road, Marge's boy toy reported to anyone who cared to listen about how he was denied a second trip to the salad bar. He posted a video in which he whined, “When did Jason’s Deli start just doing one trip to the salad bar?” Glenn said. “Just one. It’s a big plate, a big bowl. But just one time. They told me it’s after COVID. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to Jason’s Deli and I have gotten multiple salads, over and over and over." He closed, asking viewers to "let me know what you think.”

Well Brian, since you brought it up, here's what I think: I think you need a real job. I think you don't fully understand the ethos of a salad. Americans have long since forgotten that the initial notion of having "just a salad" was to limit their intake of food. It is a uniquely American notion this "all you can eat" thing. And Brian just happens to be, for better or worse, uniquely American. It is for him and his kind that the trough should be piled high and it's best to keep your hands and feet out of the way when the machinery is in motion. Even though he was open to the idea that in a post-COVID world making multiple trips to the same bin to get your fill of chickpeas doesn't make a lot of sense, Brian was still having a hard time accepting this change in his feed. 

There is currently a hotly contested presidential race going on right here in the good old U.S. of A, and one might imagine that there are more pressing issues than multiple trips to the salad bar. It's just a short hop over the fence to start complaining about how immigrants are getting first pick of all the neighborhood pets. 

Oops. I probably shouldn't say that too loud. Brian Glenn will be on the case. 

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