Friday, August 16, 2024

Vanity Plates

 It is no longer a simple flirtation. It is now a full-blown abusive relationship. But just who is being abused? I will suggest that it is you and I who are the victim. 

On Monday the soon-to-be sentenced felon made an appearance on Twitter, the social media platform that Elongated Mush has been attempting to rebrand and use as a playground for his own obsessions and amusements. Where they found an airplane hangar big enough to house both of their oversized egos is unclear, but these overpaid, overhyped beings whose pronouns seem to be "just me" spent two hours agreeing with one another about just how awful this country is. 

First, however, there were forty-five minutes of "technical issues" that had to be sorted out in order for this "very stable genius" and his techno-wiz host could begin making things up. Anyone familiar with this pair would only expect this, considering the half-hour wait before the Orange One and his handlers argued with the National Association of Black Journalists about real-time fact checking and just about anything that Mister Mush touches. 

And these are the monkey boys that some would have lead our nation and eventually paying members of the human race in to space. 

Nevertheless, the monkey boys persisted. 

It should be noted that this was the first time the twice-impeached "president" had been on Twitter, rebranded so creatively by Mush as "X," since he was banned from the site in January of 2021 in the waning moments of the dumpster fire of his administration. Because he was lying. 

Now Mush is getting squarely behind the guy whose business acumen best mirrors his own, having bankrupted several casinos he owned as well as several ridiculous attempts at entrepreneurship.  Now Mister Mush believes it would be fun to buy a president. 

Once the tubes and wires were properly connected at the ego hangar, the two prattled on about how these nefarious Dimmycrats can't fix the problems with the country. The name calling continued and Mush tried to move the guy who continues to insist we "drill baby, drill" toward sustainability (read "electric cars). They seemed to be unified in their views on cracking down on immigrants. Which is interesting since one of them married one and the other is one. 

Claims were made regarding the audience for this event, ranging from millions to two, but suggesting that either one of these guys would listen to anyone but the voices in their head seems like a stretch. I would imagine that the folks that tuned in are the same ones who see click-bait like "Florida Man Man Drives Semi Into Adult Club." 

I'll wait down here while you click to see. 

And that's the state of our current Presidential Choices. 

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