Monday, August 05, 2024

Showing His Face

 Nice weather we've been having?

How about those Mets? 

So, did you grow up around here?

These conversational gambits sound lame, but they become even more so when you consider that we are living in a time when a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and fraud rather than creeping back into the shadows is running for president. Last Wednesday, the former game show host's pugnacious side was on full display when he sat down for an interview at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention. 

The twice impeached former "president" started off complaining and things only got worse. Early on, when one of the questioners pushed back on something the man who bankrupted his own casinos said, he insisted that the whole affair was stacked against him because it started half an hour late because, in his words, "the equipment wasn't working right." 

Well, the only equipment that wasn't working was what was between Ivanka's dad's ears. The real reason for the late start was because the chief MAGAt refused to be fact-checked in real time. In front of an audience of Black Journalists. When the show finally got underway, the interviewers asked follow-up questions and asked for clarification. 

It did not go well. Thirty-five minutes into what was scheduled to be a sixty minute interview, his royal Orangeness was ushered from the stage by his handlers. But not before he disparaged his hosts, his opponent, and anyone with mild cognitive skills. The performance was bad enough that even Bill O'Reilly ultimately couldn't find anything nice to say about his raging persimmon of a candidate's alienation of millions of African American voters. 

Still, there was one Black Journalist, a woman named Harris Faulkner who works for Faux News who insisted that he was a brave little MAGAt soldier who wandered into "enemy territory" and faced down a hostile crowd. Many of whom, according to Ms. Faulkner, were interested in hearing what he had to say. Like the part where Kamala Harris had "only somewhat recently become black." And the Faux crowd lapped that up. Never mind the vitriol tossed around by the Republican candidate for president. According to one commenter, "Treating any former President of the United States like that is disgraceful."

Three months to go.

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