Tuesday, August 13, 2024

That's What I Call Service

My son took his tire over to the neighborhood Union 76 station to get it fixed. 

Wait, back up.

My son took his tire over to the neighborhood Mobil station to get it fixed. 

Sorry. One more time.

My son took his tire over tot he neighborhood filling station to get it fixed. 

It used to be a Union 76 station.

Then it was a Mobil station. 

Now it's just Fruitvale Auto Repair. They fix cars. They sell gas. 

Just like when it was Union 76. 

Just like when it was Mobil. 

It does not sell gas at a price approaching five dollars a gallon. Their petrol costs closer to four dollars a gallon. 

They're not giving it away. Not yet, anyway. But it certainly makes it quite apparent the difference that having a big orange ball or a red flying horse in front of your establishment makes. 

Back in the olden days, I used to be able to tell people to "turn left at the big orange ball" when they were coming to my house. Now I guess I'll have to resort to telling them to turn left at "the service station" on Fruitvale. 

And save sixty cents a gallon on gas.  

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