Friday, August 23, 2024


 I understand that many of you might be getting tired of my soapbox pitches that suggest that a convicted felon is not our best choice for dogcatcher, let alone President of the United States. I understand the concept of "singing to the choir," and "bringing coals to Newcastle." These are metaphors that suggest that what I am doing here is superfluous. Incidentally, I have my older brother to thank for my use of the word "superfluous." He shared that with me when he learned it in junior high. I was in elementary school. It has taken me this long to fully consider just how superfluous telling you all that a twice-impeached morally and financially bankrupt adjudicated rapist has no place anywhere near the White House really is.

And yet, I persist.

Because we, as a nation, cannot talk about this enough. The bar has been driven so very low that this orange clown is able to maintain any sort of relevance in the governance of our country. Not as dog catcher. Not as "special advisor." Not as the host of his own game show. 

We need to continue to talk out loud about how the fear and hate that drives his awful machine has no place in America's future. Much in the same way that man cannot live on bread alone, especially if that man happens happens to be on a Keto diet, this dark stream of panic that pervades the desperation needs to be silenced. 

America is for Americans. Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. Men like George Washington, who understood that in spite of his overwhelming popularity, he turned down his third term as President. He stepped aside so that our little experiment in democracy could get its full test. Paving the way for men like Thomas Jefferson. Abraham Lincoln. Franklin Roosevelt. Richard Nixon. And yes, Donald Trump. Which is why it is so significant that Joe Biden chose to step aside and endorse Vice President to succeed him. Is it possible that Joe could have gone ahead and won the election? That's a reality best explored on The History Channel ten years from now. 

Now it is time to breathe in the fresh air of Hope, Change, and Moving Forward. It is time to feel something besides dread when we talk politics. Possibility is once again on the table. The Inevitable isn't anymore. 

Go out there and let everyone you know that Newcastle has plenty of coal, so much so that we are more than happy to share with those who have none. Sing loud to those who have their hands over their ears. Its time they heard our song. 

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