Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Blame Game

 What happens if the good guys lose?

Part of the problem with speaking things into being is that I can now be held accountable for a Republican Victory in November. I don't know if the butterfly wings flapping of my mouth can truly influence the outcome of a presidential election but in a contest as close as this one is purported to be, it might be nice to have someone to blame. 

Blame me. 

Or blame Joe Biden for pridefully holding on to his dream of leading the country for another four years. Maybe point a finger at the Teamsters who are refusing to endorse the Democratic candidate for the first time since 2000. Perhaps the difference was the confounding appearance of Robert Kennedy Jr. that knocked things off kilter. 

But I think the most likely reason of all is that there are a whole bunch of deplorables out there who don't mind if they elect a "dictator on day one." A red-hatted mob who are willing to give up their rights and their livelihoods to satisfy the ego of a convicted felons. You could hold those who would rather ban books than read them accountable. These are the ones who are willing to turn a blind eye to all the ways that their candidate has proved himself to be unfit for the office he seems just as ready to steal as he is to earn. 

Or you can blame me for imagining what life might be like if a world run by MAGAts. The word dystopian comes to mind. Another word: despotic. How about oppressive? I could go on and on, but instead I will encourage us all to look forward to a world where Donald Trump is just a memory. A bad dream from which we all woke up one day and can only remember as that time we came so close not to living in a dream, but in a nightmare. 

If the good guys win, you can thank me. 


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