Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mark Zuckerberg's Artificial Intelligence

 Ah, Facebook. Whither thou goest, I won't necessarily goest with.

Somewhat recently, I wrote about how it seems that my daily commenting on all things in all ways all the time seems to run contrary to some or all of the policies that The Book of Face have in place for its contributors. They even suggested that I was doing all of this for "likes." 

Well, in a word: Duh.

If this were simply a journal for my own private edification, I wouldn't need a display case in Al Gore's Internet Wondarium Enclosure. I would simply scribble my odd thoughts in a notebook that I keep stashed under my mattress. 

If you really want to read the scribblings in the notebook I keep under my mattress, please feel free to ask because some of the ideas that find their way into this relative daylight of sharing came from that place. 

Okay. I don't really have a notebook that I keep under my mattress anymore. And it never really was under my mattress, because that would be prohibitive to me actually taking it out to use if for its intended purpose. Scribbling, that is. 

No, dear reader, for better or worse these days you are the recipient of those notions that meet the criteria I have set for myself. First of all, is it more than a paragraph? Second, s it something I feel is worth your time and mine? And finally, can I get a tiny bit of validation for stringing the words together? 

Oops. I'll bet you caught that, didn't you. I wrote this stuff down and have been for a couple decades or so just so that someone might enjoy it. Or, to use the parlance, "like" it (insert thumbs up emoji here). It would be fun to imagine that someone out there, some nefarious troll, is making it their chore each day to report the posts that have been automatically fed into the Facebook hopper to be redistributed to those who feel more comfortable getting their pithy little observations with a predominately blue and white color scheme. For your inconvenience, I apologize.

And I encourage you to shout at The Facebook, for all the good it will do. I don't believe it's one person with a vendetta after all. I think it's a series of programming bits and bytes that have made the oblong decision that what is going on in this corner of the Wadarium Enclosure is somehow not up to the high standards that Mark Zuckerberg's artificial intelligence. And wouldn't that make a great blog title? 

Meanwhile, keep looking for me here

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