Saturday, December 02, 2017


So...Matt Lauer. 
And the hits really do just keep coming, don't they?
Matt Lauer was fired by the National Broadcasting Company for “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” For some, it came as a shock. For others, it came as a part of another day. The list of men who have abused women continues to grow as the house continues to get clean. This metaphor isn't lost on me, since I spend a good deal of time cleaning my house. Not metaphorically. For real.
What happens is this: You get out the dust pan to sweep up a mess that has been made in the corner of the kitchen. Once the crumbs have been swept up, you notice something sticky on the floor adjacent to that first spill, and so you get out the squirt bottle and a rag to wipe up that spot. And the spot next to it. And isn't that a trail that leads all the way back to the refrigerator? 
So...You get out the mop and a bucket because the kitchen floor is one big spot and the tile where you have recently been spot cleaning is easily distinguished from the tile that has not been cleaned and the whole floor gets mopped and scrubbed to make it look like a place where food could withstand the five second rule. That's pretty good.
So...You take your mop and bucket into the bathroom, which is also full of tile that has a questionable layer of filth on it. The benefits of being able to walk into the bathroom first thing in the morning and know that when you pop out of the shower, the bottoms of your feet won't need an additional rinse afterward. Which reminds you of the toothpaste spatter on the mirror that needs a quick once-over, as does the mirror on the back of the door, which leaves you staring at the wood floor in the bedroom. When was the last time that got anything but lightly swept?
So...You put away the mop and bucket and get out the natural wood cleaner and a different mop because you don't want to put too much water on the wood but you really want to make the rest of the floors in the house as clean as those in the kitchen. We have standards to keep, after all. And somewhere in the voyage around the house, staring at the floor, you notice the dust that has collected on the shelves just a few inches from that floor.
So...You get the dust rag, and as you finish the floors, you start to work your way up to eye level, where the dirt is really noticeable. How long have we been living in this filth? There are cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling. How long have they been there? 
So...You fire Matt Lauer. 
The house will be dirty until it gets clean. 

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