Friday, December 01, 2017

Fun With History

Imagine that you and your family had waited seventy years for the recognition they deserved for your service to your country, but because of racial tension and unease with history, that attention had been bypassed in order to maintain a certain narrative that made the powers that be more comfortable. Such is the case of the Windtalkers, Native Americans who used their language as code during World War Two. These brave soldiers gave not just their language but many sacrificed their lives in armed forces of a country that had once been responsible for running them off the lands of their ancestors and robbing them of their heritage. Until all of a sudden some of that heritage turned out to be quite useful in battling the enemies of the country that had nearly wiped them out half a century before. This kind of irony hung on the edges of the Nicolas Cage-starring film, made in 2002. It should be noted that Mister Cage did not play a Navajo in this movie, which focused more on his Marine character who was assigned to protect a Navajo Windtalker. Not really a surprise, since the Windtalker project had only become public knowledge in 1968. Even though they have been recognized as one of the essential factors in America's victory in the Battle for Iwo Jima.
Quite a piece of history, that. 
Given the chance to make things just a little correct, the "President" invited three of the Code Talkers to Washington D.C. to honor them. Once there, with the microphones and cameras on, the "President" began to ingratiate himself with the following address: "You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
And this was how the "President" chose to commemorate the service of these brave men, by taking a wide and ugly swing at Senator Elizabeth Warren. And while this partisan sideshow was taking place, these three heroes of World War Two stood beneath a portrait of Andrew Jackson, a favorite of the "President" and the man who signed the Indian Removal Act in 1830
No word yet on whether Nicolas Cage will be playing Jackson or Trump in the film version of this debacle. 

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