Friday, December 27, 2024

Doing Their Job

 I suppose you all remember how worried we were about Joe Biden's cognitive decline. Members of his own inner circle met with him and eventually changed the course of history by talking him out of running for a second term. Democrats including the author of this blog were relieved when we suddenly had this young, fresh face to carry our party into the next generation. 

I suppose you remember how that turned out.

The free-flowing rhetoric coming from the slit just below the convicted-felon-elect's nose this past week stands as a stark reminder that Republicans, for the most part, rather than fretting about the obvious cognitive decline on their candidate's part chose to explain it away. "What he meant was," became a refrain unworthy of the most amateur spin-doctors. Meaning was secondary to the muck that could be raked up in a single appearance, let alone a constant traveling freak show that featured the biggest freak of them all. 

This past week the person named to move back into the White House announced that “it will be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female.” The pre-impeached "president" elect also said that he would also sign executive orders to “get transgender out of the military and out of our elementary schools and middle schools and high schools.”

No one bothered to make excuses for this seventy-eight year old man who has an imaginary friend named Hannibal Lecter. They did feel the need to clarify the incoming idjit's stance on Panama and Greenland. It seems the feeble mind that does not understand how wind power works has his eyes set on taking the Panama Canal back, as well as annexing Greenland. “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity." As for the canal, the orange one seethed, “The fees being charged by Panama are ridiculous, especially knowing the extraordinary generosity that has been bestowed to Panama by the U.S. This complete ‘rip-off’ of our Country will immediately stop.”

How do the minions of Goober explain this away?  Corey Lewandowski: “This is a president who is making out-of-the-box announcements to put the world on notice that once again the United States is the dominant world superpower, and we have a president who understands what that means, and is not going to kowtow to our foreign friends, or our foreign adversaries.” 

Nobody is rushing down to south Florida to try and talk the imbecile elect out of embarrassing the nation with his lunatic ramblings. They are all donning tin-foil hats in solidarity. 

That, it would seem, is their job. 

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