Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Tale

I am as guilty as anyone of this: staring at every tweet to come out of the "President's" office. Each new missive brings me some kind of twisted hope that something will come trickling out that is an admission of guilt or a confession. "My fellow Americans, it turns out that I know absolutely nothing about what I am doing. Please forgive me and now I wish that I had never taken that escalator ride."
That kind of honesty and self-awareness does not exist in the world according to Trump. At each point, when those of us outside that world wonder if we have seen the bottom, the hole continues to widen and deepen. Accusations of all manner of impropriety and collusion swirl around him and his administration, and yet what sticks is somehow imperceptible. Consequences continue to be doled out. Subpoenas have been delivered. Investigations continue. Elections are lost. Resignations are made. Somehow the center holds.
How can this be?
The simple answer is that Donald Trump is in league with Satan. Having sold his soul many years ago, it  is no surprise that the Dark One has managed to control his minion's rise to Leader of the Free World. How else could one explain his ability to walk away from the wreckage of failed marriages and bankruptcies, crimes and misdemeanors? Where is the karma that we have  all heard about? Where is the comeuppance?  Where are the consequences?
If this were a story written by Charles Dickens, we probably would not have to wait too much longer. The ghosts from Donald Trump's past would visit him over the next few nights and would  bring about a glorious revision of his character. A light would shine forth and suddenly those reparations and reconciliations would be made. Those who had been fired would be rehired. A happy ending.
Or maybe this is a tale told by Stephen King. Donald Trump truly is the harbinger of Doom. We should not be surprised when the Gates of Hell fly open and winged demons perch on the roof of the White House. Or the missiles really will fly, setting up the inevitable post-apocalyptic sequels, in which mankind is forced to reckon with just how low we had allowed ourselves to fall. We will rebuild. But only after we deal with those winged demons.

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