Sunday, July 28, 2024

What's Right?

 A philosopher once said, “Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

The past couple weeks have been a terrific example of this. It was only moments ago that someone took a shot at the oldest presidential candidate. Of course, back then he wasn't the oldest. But by the time the metaphorical smoke cleared, he was. He continues to be. He's also the first former "president" to be tried and convicted of a felony. The only "president" to be impeached not once but twice. The only former game show host to hold the office. These are all distinctions that now hang squarely around the neck of the MAGA movement like a great orange albatross.  A great orange albatross with a combover and an irrational fear of sharks. 

And somewhere, back in that flurry of political machinations, Elon Musk announced that he was starting a Political Action Committee to donate forty-five million dollars a month to the election of that albatross. This was during a window in which it seemed like the wheels had just come off the Democratic Party's presidential hopes. It raised a question about how Silicon Valley types would suddenly become enamored of the MAGAts. Like Peter Thiel, billionaire co-founder of PayPal, who was outed as one of the chief supporters of the political career of one J.D. Vance. Mister Theil, who is openly gay, has donated to conservative candidates and causes including ten thousand dollars to fight Minnesota's Ban on same-sex marriage. Confused? 

This is understandable. It was made easier for me to comprehend how all this could take place when Pete Buttegieg, who is openly gay and Secretary of Transportation, explained it: "I think it's a profound contradiction, but maybe it's not that complicated. I know there are a lot of folks who say, 'What's going on with these Silicon Valley folks veering into Trump world with JD Vance, and backing Trump?'  We've made it way too complicated. It's super simple. These are very rich men who have decided to back the Republican party that tends to do good things for very rich men."

Super simple. 

So simple in fact that it would seem that now Elongated Mush wants to distance himself to what he refers to as the "cult of personality" that surrounds the combed-over albatross. This came in a swirl of a news cycle that included his ugly recounting of how he was "tricked" into signing off on his trans child's gender affirming care, and now he says that person is dead to him, killed by "the woke mind virus."

Life moves pretty fast, but I hope you all have a moment to step away from the news and watch this: 

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