Tuesday, May 21, 2024

In Loco Parentis

 You may recall that there was a bit of a dustup within the dustup that is the former game show host's hush money trial. There was a fuss raised about a certain high school graduation and whether or not the accused would be allowed a day away from the proceedings to attend his son's high school graduation. At this point I feel it is important to mention that the accused's initial progeny had received their diplomas at some point earlier, having been spawned from relationships prior to his current marriage. This was a chance for him to lavish attention on young Barron, named one might expect for the magazine

So, when the big day came, the proud father was there for the photo op. He summed it up like this: "For a while, the judge said you can't go to your son's graduation. There was a lot of people not happy about that. It was beautiful to watch, but when you think about what we're doing, and what I'm doing, I'm being indicted for you. And never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom." He made these remarks at a dinner, not in Florida where the graduation was held, but a couple thousand miles away in Minnesota where he performed his usual fundraising rant with a few mild echoes of his son's accomplishments. The accused was the featured speaker at the Lincoln-Reagan dinner in the Twin Cities. 

For the record, the judge in the case never ruled that he could not attend, instead leaving it open to decide once the trial was underway. Yet another dog-whistle of persecution on behalf of the accused, who continues to appear on television multiple times a day, often in front of crowds at rallies and just as often in front of his sycophants who have set aside their duties in government to show their support for the man of multiple indictments. 

One of these "ring kissers" was none other than theater fan Lauren Boebert. The Representative from Colorado showed up last Thursday like so many other MAGAts to mill about outside the New York courthouse for the opportunity to be seen in the presence of their dear leader. Which isn't exactly an exclusive club, but her presence was telling from the parenting perspective. Representative Boebert's son has had a few recent scrapes with the law, but she was unable to put in any of young Tyler's court appearances over the past few weeks. She did release this statement: "It breaks my heart to see my child struggling and, in this situation, especially when he has been provided multiple opportunities to get his life on track." Back in 2020, when asked about dropping out of high school herself, Ms. Boebert said, “I was a brand-new mom, and I had to make hard decisions on successfully raising my child, or getting to high school biology class. And I chose to take care of my child.” 

Four years later the focus seems to have shifted yet again. To that orange sack of protoplasm who, to hear him tell it, has suffered more than any other person. Ever. 

To hear him tell it. Maybe someday Tyler and Barron will go out and have a few beers together. That would be a fun evening. 

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