Friday, May 31, 2024

Ding Dong

 So, there I was, looking at a picture of the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding while clicking through Al Gore's Internet on May 30, 2024, and the caption below asked if it's any wonder that there is a generation of kids who were slightly bent by watching that unfold back in 1986. In their classrooms. As part of a celebration of education and space exploration coming together. 

Then I got a text from a friend, stating "gonna need a minute to process this actuality." She was referring to the jury in the former game show host and now convicted felon's trial returning thirty-four guilty verdicts. The only way it might have gone worse for him is if that same day the producer of the game show the convicted felon had once hosted noticed that his NDA had expired and he was now free to share evidence of the former "president" using the N-word. 

Because that happened too. 

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. That is not what happened on May 30, 2024. That generation that had grown up believing that we were always just an O-ring away from disaster finally got to see the good guys win. Not that this isn't going to make the road ahead any less fraught with dangerous oddities. We elected the weasel in the first place. We chose him over the sitting Secretary of State. A combover who had never held any political office. Who proceded to drive our Ship of State straight into the wall. 

This is why we can't have nice things: Teachers in space. Game show hosts in the White House. 

For several hours on May 30, 2024 I was happy that I hadn't let anyone talk me into leaving Twitter. Elon and his minions were not strong enough to hold back the floodgates. All those memes. All those pithy observations. All that schadenfreude whipped up and up and served in a delicious sorbet of I Told You So. 

It was a celebration even better than last year's Toyotathon. We put our flags out, the stars and stripes and our rainbow. We danced and sang. We rejoiced. 

Because we know there will be an appeal. And there are still miles to go before the orange sack of protoplasm will cease to be in our nightly news and our nightmares. Where was I went I heard that Donald Trump had become a convicted felon? Right here, ready to write what we can only hope is the beginning of the last chapter. 

Stay tuned. 

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