Saturday, April 06, 2024

Nearer My Dog To Thee

 When I got up from the Great Padded Recliner at the blood donation center, I was feeling very alturistic. I had, once again endured the strain of having each arm stabbed with needles and squeezing a spongy piece of rubber with my left hand for two hours while sharing the gift of my platelets. 

The text came through on my way to the restroom just after I had been disconnected from the apparatus. It said that Sami was very sick. She didn't have much time left. Her kidneys were failing. 

Suddenly I was back in the autumn of 1985. Earlier that summer I had, in a fit or good feeling for my fellow man, sent off a check to the folks putting on the Live Aid concert. I was helping out those who were suffering from the devestating famine in Africa and for my act of kindness I was going to get a free T-shirt. In those interveining months, my friend and roommate died in a car wreck. When I returned home from his funeral, waiting for me in the mailbox was that T-shirt. On the back was the slogan: "This Shrit Saved A Life." 

I just didn't get to choose which one. 

Flashing back to the present, I stood outside the blood donation center, with yet another "free" T-shirt. A thank you for making my life-saving gift. But I didn't have any choice about who received it. Sami was dying. My good friend and constant reader was losing her doggie sister. She who had dyed her hair to match the auburn fur of her canine companion. She who had recently endured so much health chaos around her. She who had only recently lost her mother. She was now on the edge of losing her doggy soulmate. 

And there was nothing I could do. The T-shirt. The platelets. My prayers and best wishes. Sami was going to join all the dogs in heaven and I was left with the memories of crawling about the floor with her, as we built trust and a friendship of our own. Sami never stomped on the Terra. She was far too lithe for that. She danced on the planet where she was loved and cared for. She brought comfort and joy to those around her. 

And now Sami is gone. She will be missed, and I will think of her often. Especially when I am wearing my free T-shirt. 

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