Friday, April 05, 2024


 Okay. I tried to avoid writing about it. I set it aside for days.

But the outrage that exists in tiny brains cries out to be mocked. 

I am speaking to the outrage among "conservatives" who cannot hold their collective water because Joe Biden issued a proclamation declaring March 31, 2024 a National Day of Visibility for Transgender Americans. All those voices you heard this past Sunday screeching and hollering "blasphemy" because this President saw fit to take this holiest of holy days and use it to promote perversion and godlessness. One of those shrieks came from right wing nut Caitlyn Jenner: "I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden has declared the most Holy of Holy days - a self proclaimed devout Catholic - as Transgender Day of Visibility. The only thing you should be declaring on this day is ‘HE is Risen’."

You may remember Ms. Jenner as the star of her own reality TV show in which she portrayed herself, a proud (checks notes) transgender American. And, like so many other right wing nuts she callously drove right past the reality that National Transgender Visibility Day has been celebrated on March 31 since 2009, not just in this country but in nations around the world. It came about in the wake of a previously generated day of Remembrance for those who had been murdered because of transphobia. Why not celebrate those who are still among us? 

Except this year that date happened to fall on the same day as the well-traveled Christian rite of Easter. For those of you unfamiliar with the slightly occult process by which Easter lands, it falls on the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox. Somewhere right around the time the lamb's blood is drying on the doorways of the first born. 

Meanwhile everyone's favorite game show host out on bail is hawking bibles that include copies of the Declaration of Independence, the complete lyrics to Lee Greenwood's hit "God Bless The USA" and the United States Constitution. You might remember the Constitution as the place you find the First Amendment, the one that assures a separation between Church and State. History suggests that this guy probably doesn't have a solid working knowledge of any of these documents, so maybe that's why he figures it's probably worth sixty bucks for you to have one in your home. Even if he can't quote a single verse, or pretends to mumble his way through the Lord's Prayer. Do you suppose this guy knows when Easter is? 

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