Monday, January 01, 2024

Look Out, 'Cause Here It Comes

 Doesn't it seem like a year with the scope and depth of 2023 would have a better resolution for me than "get more fiber?"

Looking back at the year that was, it seems as though I would have something more profound upon which to reflect than the amount of roughage I take in on a daily basis. 

Then again, maybe it's not so curious a proposition at all. As I dive into what I will now refer to as my old age, I find that the concerns I have now have not changed a lot in the two decades in which I have been cranking out this blog. Guns. Kids. Kids and guns. Freedom. Love. Fear. Loathing. Memories of sugary breakfast cereals. 

What has changed? The creaky machine that brought me here. These old bones are not as swiftly regenerating as they once were, and in order to continue to rail against the former game show hosts and billionaire egomaniacs I will need to step up my own care and feeding. I can no longer fuel myself solely on the occasional bowl full of Crunchberries. I have an opportunity to get myself back into the game of life with renewed vigor and enthusiasm, and if that means paying more attention to to the amounts of nutrients I ingest, so be it. 

I know this coming year will most likely have its own set of challenges and distractions, and I will not be getting any younger, so if swilling the occasional smoothie and reading the labels of things I was going to eat anyway make it possible to starve off my impending decrepitude, I'll do just that. 

But I won't stop having fond memories of Cocoa Puffs. 

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