Tuesday, January 02, 2024

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

 I know, I know. Stupid is as stupid does. I am relatively certain that irony is not one of the subjects covered in the preparation for the Colorado State GED course. But here goes:

"I’m living the American dream. I came up from welfare, standing in line waiting for government cheese, to now running for Congress. Let’s keep radical socialists out of government so that people can be empowered to lift themselves out of poverty, rather than wait on government!"

These were the words a Ms. Lauren Boebert, recently divorced and newly announced candidate for Colorado's fourth district seat in Congress. If you're rushing about trying to recall if this was the district she is currently representing, let me save you some time: It is not. Everyone's favorite member of Congress caught on surveillance video vaping and entertaining her date during a night at the theater is hopping districts in hopes that running in the Centennial State's most conservative district will save her "American Dream." Never mind that in doing so she has flopped from one side of the rectangle that is Colorado to the other since geography is probably not a subject with which she is completely comfortable.

The idea, it seems, is to keep the dream a reality. This little girl who "came up from welfare" and is now more than happy to kick that ladder out from under anyone looking for that same hand up is hoping to continue her career as part of the ruling class.

Please understand that at some level I can appreciate that this notion that any man, woman or child bride can rise to the station that Ms. Boebert finds herself. Kudos to her for pulling herself up by the bootstraps provided by a government program in addition to her own shoulder holster and the wave provided by MAGAts who showed up in 2020 to elect the most MAGAty candidate they could find in Western Colorado.

It's probably not a coincidence that Ms. Boebert earned her Grade Equivalency Diploma just a month before her first primary. She really hasn't had much time to delve into the civics and relationship to her constituents that being a Representative requires. It takes a lot of focus being a newly single mom and grandmother as well as coming up with inane banter like the bit above to confound the people who might want to hitch their wagon to her somewhat tarnished star.

But isn't that what the American Dream is all about?

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