Sunday, January 21, 2024

Furious Sound

 A few days back I used the word "bloviation" in a post here on this, my little corner of Al Gore's Internet. 

If you missed that one, then let me go ahead and drop the definition here for your to consider: "talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way." 

I used this term not to describe my own verbal predilections, but rather to shine a light on one particular wretch's oration skills. You may be familiar with a play Bill Shakespeare wrote, the one you're not supposed to talk about if you're in a theater setting which is odd in itself, called "Macbeth." It includes a line which hitches up to this train of thought nicely: " it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Understand here that it is not me that is referring to the former "president" as an idiot. That's all Bill, in that Shakespearean way he had to describe certain elements of the human (or nearly human) condition. As we creep ever closer toward the brink of the 2024 election, and I use the word "creep" with certitude, the sound and fury issuing forth from the MAGAt in chief only escalates as he continues to chew up political opponents and spit them out in subservient chunks

It might be worth noting the allegiance this former game show host inspires. It might be, except they seem to be cut from the same narrow-minded hate-filled cloth as their leader. The fellow who stands at the podium and blathers on for an hour about water flow and the way he is persecuted by the legal system that he flaunts daily, then his minions gush about how he is speaking "for them." Nothing in particular. Not the whales beaching themselves because of the sound of windmills, but the overarching theme of revenge. 

Revenge for what? From whom? That is a lot harder to articulate than the frenzied insistence that not getting exactly what he wanted when he wanted. Which is why he continues to drone on and on about how mistreated he is. As well as all that other sound and fury, signifying nothing. 

A tale told by an idiot, indeed. 

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