Monday, January 22, 2024

Across The Aisle

 I write a lot, mostly here in this space, about my disdain for Republicans. The challenge here is that I am fully aware of how limiting this perspective is. There are plenty of caring, well-intentioned human beings here in the United States whose party affiliation does not say everything about them. Many of the generalities spewed by folks like myself are generated by a revolving cast of characters whose names we rattle off like a rosary. 






And the beat goes on, along with a litany of complaints connected to their ridiculous and insipid notions and agendas for Making America Great Again. 

What gets lost in the wash is the significant number of Republicans who are doing their level best to serve their country, county, state or province in meaningful ways without drinking the Red Hat Kool-Aid. These "moderates" or "RINOs" as they have been labeled by members of their own party labor in obscurity while the ninnies and the twits get all the TV time. 

Meanwhile, across the aisle there are plenty of characters in need of an attitude adjustment. I am currently pointing at Senator Bob Menendez from the great state of New Jersey. While Greene and her cabal have been turning over every rock in the Rose Garden to find some dirt on Hunter Biden and his dad, Senator Bob has been indicted on charges including conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right. Sounds bad. 

And it is, but as previously referenced, the song from Hamilton reminds us "everything's legal in New Jersey."

But it shouldn't be. Or perhaps if it is, we should allow the Garden State to secede from the Union and we can park all of the pointy heads from both parties there. Problem solved.

You're Welcome. 

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