Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Free Radicals

 What is radical?

If I were a skateboarder in 1985, I might be describing a kickflip or a nosegrind. Awesome. 

Or perhaps I could be describing a group of atoms in a compound. 

Maybe the root of a number of quantintiy. 

Or maybe I am describing Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. Or Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Or people who believe in the words of the Declaration of Independence. The part about inalienable rights. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Of course there are plenty of folks who would say that they wouldn't argue that point, as long as it doesn't interfere with their rights, or their need to be on top of things. These folks are the ones who would rather not see everyone be too equal. 

Once upon a time, the ideas found in the Declaration of Independence were considered radical. Revolutionary even. There was even a suggestion that everyone else should send us their hungry, their poor, and those who were yearning to breathe free. If you were to suggest such a thing today, well that would make you a radical. Or that homeless Americans deserve our help. Millionaires should pay their share of taxes. Some people shouldn't own guns. Convicted felons should not be President of the United States.

I know. Pretty radical. 

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