Thursday, January 25, 2024


 According to the voices coming from Mount Mar A Lago, the nickname "Ron DeSanctimoniuos" has been retired. Like electing a new pope but in reverse, that puff of smoke you saw over the weekend was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' campaign for president heaving its last dying breath. 

When it was all over, Governor Ron even had a few words for the less-than-astonished onlookers: “It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance,” he said, adding: “He has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents.”

Quick check: Asserting that America is never been a racist country is the old Republican guard of yesteryear. The party that once gave us Abraham Lincoln. Or maybe Ron's vision of "yesteryear" is limited by the textbooks he allows to be kept on the shelves in his state's schools. 

For the record, Ron dropped out of the race just two days before the New Hampshire primary, leaving the viable candidates to just Darling Nikki and the guy who spends as much time in courtrooms as he does on the campaign trail. This sets the stage for ten months of the kind of high-level rhetoric embodied by the oh-so-clever nicknames generated by a man who would fail third grade science. He chose to make his announcement on Twitter, just like he did when he decided to get into this mess. His dispatch of failure came in the midst of the NFL playoffs, so it's likely that it will still be some days before that nerve impulse will reach the brain of many of his supporters. 

Ultimately it's kind of a wash. It is highly unlikely that the exposure that we have had to Governor Ron will continue to the extent that we have endured over the past several months. His footwear will no longer be a source of curiosity upon which the public can speculate. With all the other horrible things into which this man has chosen to muck about, like sending people from foreign countries seeking asylum on mystery bus rides to other states, or picking fights with Mickey Mouse and Doctor Fauci. If he believed that pulling the plug on his campaign and kissing the former game show host's ring would get him a cushy job in the next Trumpreich, he might want to check the license plate and tire tracks all across his back from the bus that just ran him over. 

But we'll always have the memories, won't we Ron? 

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