Thursday, September 14, 2023

They Put The Ignore In Ignoramus

 Why are we still discussing this?

Gun control?

Climate change?

Who won the 2020 election?

The questions that need to be answered is how we can preserve, if necessary, our Second Amendment rights without stacking up bodies like cord wood. Someone suggested that after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School failed to bring rational thinking to the problem of guns in America that we were too late. That was eleven years ago.

As another hurricane bears down on the east coast of the United States, we continue to gather funds to rebuild from the last one. There probably weren't any climate change deniers among the masses who were stranded in the mud after the "freak storm" that poured down in the middle of the Burning Man festivities this year, but maybe once they have finished hosing down their RVs they will take to the streets instead of the desert next year. 

The campaign for the White House has begun in earnest already for 2024, and the "debate" over the legitimacy of Joe Biden's election nearly three years ago rages on. To be fair, it isn't that much of a debate. The reality-deficient minds that are convinced that their former game-show host and twice-impeached ex-"president" obviously could not have failed in his mission to become our nation's Narcissist-In-Chief. Any evidence to the contrary like numbers will be ignored in exchange for a glassy-eyed stare that allows them to promulgate more ridiculous arguments about how everyone carrying guns is a good idea and climate change is a hoax. 

Yet, here we are, in 2023 with the clock ticking on the human race and we are still trying to convince the red baseball cap crew not that steering into an iceberg is a bad idea, but that the Titanic is in fact sinking. 

And the band played on. 

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