Friday, September 15, 2023


 On a day that might be remembered historically for the moment of bipartisanship, Marge Greene chose not simply to further exacerbate the division between Democrats and Republicans, but to call for states to secede from the union.

That word: Union. "A club, society, or association formed by people with a common interest or purpose."

In the hours after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the assembled members of Congress met on the steps of the Capitol. Republicans, Democrats, Independents. All of them. They stood in front of the Capitol not unlike the Whos down in Whoville, and they sang. They sang God Bless America

The Grinch hadn't stopped our Union from standing. We stood, for that moment in time, hand in hand.


Twenty-two years, an endless war not won, a pandemic and four years of hardened political rhetoric later, the same loon who screamed "liar" during the State of the Union address was calling for states to leave that same Union because of the President's immigration policies. 

"If the Biden admin refuses to stop the invasion of cartel led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union," crowed the representative from Georgia. "From Texas to New York City to every town in America, we are drowning from Biden’s traitorous America last border policies."

Those policies do not currently call for zero tolerance and killing anyone who attempts to cross our borders without specific written permission from Marge herself. That reference to "drowning" in her tweet is a little telling, since the Republican governor of Texas was recently told he couldn't continue to try and drown immigrants trying to cross into the United States by swimming across the Rio Grande

Or maybe it's her hysterical reaction to her semi-major demigod and former game show host being indicted for election interference in her home state. 

Or perhaps it's just that her heart was two sizes to small

Did I hear someone say "brain?"

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