Sunday, August 27, 2023

What If They Gave A Debate And Nobody Came?

 I have just received word of a gathering of presidential hopefuls. Apparently this event was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and hosted by a "Faux News" organization, the Young America's Foundation and something called Rumble. My Qanon friends might recognize that last name as a streaming outlet known for its right of most everything content. Essentially Rumble is a place for folks who feel that Faux News just isn't crazy enough for them. 

Eight candidates, ranging in experience from zero to "president of my college fraternity," gathered on a stage to spout their support of one another and their vision for the future of the country. 

Just kidding. They spent two hours fighting for the scraps that were left when the big orange had a prior engagement. Taking a peek at the former game show host's calendar, it appears that he was scheduled to be arraigned in a Fulton County courtroom, finger printed and have his picture taken. For posterity. And also because that's what we do with criminals. 

Interestingly enough, the twice-impeached one managed to be the big orange elephant in the room that spent half of the debate ignoring his indicted presence. Instead, Faux moderator Martha MacCallum led off the evening by asking about the very pressing matter of the viral right wing anthem, “Rich Men North of Richmond." Martha got right into it: “Governor [Ron] DeSantis, why is this song striking such a nerve in this country right now? What do you think it means?” 

Nobody asked me, but I think it means that Faux News is afraid of stirring up these spineless sycophants. I think the fact that the current prohibitive favorite in the Republican Party's search for a candidate for President of the United States was not willing to show up and face the music, as a Rich Man South of Richmond, shows the continued break with reality that all these folks seem to share. 

On a related note, North Carolina governor Doug Burgum ruptured his Achilles tendon on Tuesday, but was able to attend Wednesday night's show because he "wouldn't miss it for the world." Which is kind of funny, since it seems that most of the world didn't feel that way. But, good for Governor Doug. 

Good for Rumble and the Young America's Foundation. If I hear about any more shows like this, I'll make sure to ignore it too. 

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