Monday, August 28, 2023

Trouble With Numbers

 Sometimes, in the teaching profession, initial frustrations with a student can give way to understanding after all factors are taken into account. Learning for some is more difficult than for others. Little Donnie Trump may not have excelled in mathematics when he was young, and after being passed along grade by grade, teacher after teacher, that deficit became a fixed part of his world view. 

First grade may have been when the math train hopped off the track for Little Donnie. That is when the concept of "less than" and "more than" becomes vital. Even before you begin to add and subtract, it is important to have number sense. Six is bigger than three. Two is smaller than four. And so on. The symbols for less than and more than help some students comprehend this concept, but can confuse others. The wide end of the arrow faces the bigger number. The arrow points to the smaller number. For the younger set we often tell them that the "alligator" always eats the bigger number. 

Thus, if one were comparing electoral votes for example, 306>232. Additionally, 74,223,369<81,282,916.

Little Donnie may have assumed that every time you got fewer popular votes in an election, as he did in 2016, because we know that 65,844,954 >62,979,879 that he would go ahead an automatically get more electoral votes. He did that way back then: 304>227. This might also require some basic understandings of the United States Constitution, but Little Donnie's skill set does not seem to be up to the task of comprehending such a complex document. 

Which leaves us with the number thing. Add object permanence to that equation and you end up with quite a mess. Like that whole business with crowd size that continues to plague him. Size has seemingly always been a problem for Little Donnie. Like when he showed up for his arraignment in Georgia, he claimed to be six foot three inches, two hundred fifteen pounds. Which is thirty pounds less than his last White House physical reported. And let's just say that Little Donnie hasn't been skipping dessert since he left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It could be that his tiny hands give him problems with perspective, but it could be that numbers just don't get along in his head. 

Please forgive me for taking so long to get to the punchline, but it has been a very long seven years. Or was it ten? Don't ask Little Donnie. He's not good with numbers. 

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