Saturday, August 05, 2023

The Tolling Bell

 I looked it up: indictment - a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.

Such accusations rise above the hearsay that pollutes so much of our "news" cycle. This is where judges from a court have ruled, after viewing evidence, have decided to proceed with a trial based on those charges. The "news" cycle then proceeds to spin them in whatever way that they can in order to promote the hoped for outcome of the trial or trials. Mysterious leaks from this organization or that do not tend to result in indictments. Those are the ones that turn into op-ed pieces, or three minute rants from talking heads that are intended to make us all feel as if we really should be indicting people.

Bad people. Criminals. Ne'er do wells that deserve to be put away and kept away. In prison.

Instead, we find this line blurred. The people that need to be put in prison, according to actual indictments, are free to roam about the country promoting their oh-I-don't-know presidential campaign. Rather than shrinking into the shadows, the former game show host who was also impeached twice and found guilty of sexual abuse and defamation. Did that slow the mean old Grinch? 

No. He seems bound and determined to keep running. Not just away from the mounting piles of evidence, but away from the conventional wisdom that suggests that we as a nation would never vote for a convicted felon for Commander in Chief. However, as witnessed by recent events and by the lack of specific evidence to the contrary, you can run the country from a jail cell. Even now, preparations are being made for trials that will run concurrently with the 2024 campaign for president. After each of the several state, federal and local indictments have dropped for the past several months, not only has the most indicted man in American politics continuing to hold rallies where he diminishes and complains that he never did anything wrong, but his followers don't raise a single question but continue to contribute to the election/defense fun of their favorite candidate. 

The most recent indictment charges dropped on the former game show host are regarding the radical plan that he and his assembled gang of idiots came up with to disrupt the lawful and constitutionally assured transfer of power. The plan that culminated in the attempt to physically interrupt this process by breaking into our nation's capitol, threatening government officials, police, and wreaking havoc in our halls of power. Insurrection. 

Insurrection - a violent uprising against an authority or government.

I looked it up.

He should be locked up. 

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