Friday, August 04, 2023


 Have I mentioned that I don't like change?

If I haven't brought this up before, or maybe you're reading this for the very first time, I apologize for making a fuss about what is inevitable. The very title of this blog is a testament to the disorder in a system. Attempts to bring order to chaos only exacerbates the problem. Trying to teach pigs to fly is a waste of your time and will only end up with pigs joining the pilots' union and we don't want that do we? 

I will not be pontificating on the possibilities of porcine aviation here. Instead I will be discussing something else that used to fly: a bird. A blue bird, to be precise. I came to Twitter later than many, but once I landed there, I found a playground for the type of pithy quips for which I have become so fond of generating in places like this. Sometimes the words I have don't fill a page. They are just random bits of pith, that would need hours more thought than I have to give to them and never see the light of day provided by this blog. 

Those are the ones that end up on Twitter. That funny blue bird where I found a community of individuals every bit as committed as I was to the written word, even if those words were measured out by the eyedropper. Which was a discipline that I found refreshing. 

Then, somebody came and bought my favorite word snack restaurant. A man-child but not in the Pee Wee Herman mold, God rest his soul. This guy came in with billions of dollars and a yearning to remake the site in his own morbidly twisted image. Four billion dollars, and then he let us all know that there was a cost for "free speech." If you wanted to be noticed on his newly acquired sandbox, you would have to pay eight dollars a month for a little blue check mark after their name. 

And in the spirit of all this eight dollar free speech, he started letting folks who had already distinguished themselves as being unable to follow community agreements made under the old administration back onto the platform. Angry people. Misguided people. People who felt they had more of a right than others to their opinion and felt the need to shout down others who don't agree with them. Stupid people. 

Sorry, that last one was an opinion, and I apologize to anyone who isn't really stupid whom I may have offended by suggesting that they are. With a note or two: Climate change is real. The election of 2020 was not stolen. Black lives matter. 

And Elon Mush has not invented anything. He continues to buy things and run them into the ground until they explode or become useless. The most recent outburst from Mister Mush is the "rebranding" of his four billion dollar albatross. Taking a company that was internationally recognized by its logo, a little blue bird, and turned it into a black box with an X. If you bought Coca Cola, would you put it in a black can with an X on it? And let Nazis help out with the secret formula?

On August 1st, I took a day off of Twitter. I have friends and family who have been asking  me why I don't just bail and go somewhere else. There are lots of places that will allow one to spout pith on Al Gore's Internet. 

But I was there before Elongated Mush, and I don't want to leave. I want him to leave, and take his big black X and his pointy-headed minions with him to some other corner of Al Gore's Internet. 


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