Saturday, April 08, 2023

Right To Life

 Okay. The Tennessee legislature is keeping themselves very busy protecting children safe from drag shows. This is going on in spite of the fact that drag shows have not killed a single child in Tennessee. Not one. Ever. Guns, on the other hand, have just recently killed three nine year olds inside their private Christian School. That school had "a few staff members" carrying weapons. Nobody shot back until the police showed up and shot the murderer of those three children and three adult staff members. As yet, there has been no mention as to whether any of those staff members were the ones packing heat. 

Of course, it only took a few moments for the pointy heads on the right to latch on to the news that the shooter was trans, having recently adopted he/him pronouns. Abruptly, it was apparent for these pinheads that trans people were sick and murderous. Never mind the overwhelming majority of cis white males doing the killing in virtually every other school shooting, at last there was a thread that could be traced back to something that was not guns as the source of the problem. 

See, men dressed as women reading to kids is just a hop skip and a jump away from a person with a truckload of mental issues including gender dysphoria shooting up a school. And there 's probably no reason to bring up the fact that Governor Bill Lee just banned gender affirming care in his state for anyone under eighteen. And you don't have to have any kind of permit to carry a handgun in Tennessee. Authorities report that all the weapons used by the shooter at Covenant School were purchased legally. 

But the problem isn't the guns or the rules surrounding them. It's men dressing as women. The problem isn't the AR-15. It's men dressing as women. Rather than respond with any sort of legislation that might make such a horrible tragedy less likely to occur, the Tennessee legislature is looking to expel three of its members for taking the side of hundreds of protestors who came to the capitol in Nashville to demand a change. You may have already surmised that the three lawmakers are members of the Democratic Party. The resolution reads that these three “did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives.”

By contrast, State Representative William Lamberth chose to engage with the protestors by asking them rhetorically, “If there is a firearm out there that you’re comfortable being shot with, please show me which one it is.” He went on to say, “So you’re not going to like my answer, and, look, I’m going to say that straight up. It’s not about this one gun.”

Well, of course not. It's about men dressed as women. 

Disorder and dishonor, indeed. 

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