Friday, April 07, 2023


 Every day is history. Those of us who survived the pandemic and the terrifying abuses of power by the "president" who came before Joe Biden will be reckoning with this for the rest of our lives. Those of us who may have thrown our votes away in 2016 because they felt that Hillary Clinton was just another in a series of bad choices will have to watch as our country digs itself out of the blizzard of scandal that swirled around a certain former game show host and slumlord who seemed to so many like "a change of pace."

No other president has been impeached twice. No other president has been indicted for felonies. This includes bad men like Richard Nixon and Warren G Harding and Andrew Johnson. These former presidents slunk out of office and lived in ignominy while history judged their misdeeds. But not in a court of law. Never in a court of law. 

Until now. The MAGAt in chief, who continues to play his greatest hits about winning the 2020 election and how he was never guilty of anything ever and how sending him money is the best way to show that you care about the poor little rich boy. This cad who has a lengthy history of misogynistic behavior who insists that he never had an affair with a porn star no matter how precisely on brand it turns out to be and if he did she was a "horseface" and was doing it all for the publicity. Meanwhile, his supporters vacillate between defending him as completely innocent and insisting that hush money and non-disclosure agreements are used all the time so it's really Stormy Daniels on whom we should be focusing our attention. 

Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was a messy one, but by ramping up the stakes to a porn star and paying her one hundred thirty thousand dollars to keep her mouth shut gives the "advantage" to the most corrupt Cheeto ever to hold public office. 

Meanwhile, the media continues to document his every move because we don't want to miss a second. Richard Nixon had the good sense to crawl back to San Clemente and wait a few years to creep back into the light, begging for understanding. The placeholder between Obama and Biden hasn't shut up for a minute since he lost the popular vote for the second time and was sent to the disgraced former presidents box. But he wouldn't stay there. He used the press and social media to continue to stir a pot of self-promotion and lies that brought about the insurrection of January 6, 2021. There has been not a single quiet moment of reflection, just endless misinformation and self-pity pouring out of the gilded golf club in Florida. 

For the first time in our history, people are asking the question, "Can a convicted felon be elected President of the United States?" I'll save you the trouble of looking it up: Yes, he or she can. And that's not the kind of history I am interested in living through. 

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