Sunday, March 19, 2023


 The story goes that notorious gangster and avatar for one third of all bad guys in cartoons Al Capone was never convicted on murder or racketeering charges. He was sent to prison for tax evasion. His sentence? Eleven years. If that seems like a drop in the bucket for the crimes this man allegedly committed or had committed, well that makes sense. He did not die in jail. After a raging case of syphilis substantially diminished his mental and physical state, he died of a heart attack at his estate in Florida. 

I bring this up because in spite of all the legal maneuvering and wrangling over the past eight years, it seems as though an indictment is about to be passed along to the former game show host and twice-impeached "president" who has thus far avoided the perp walk. While the bloated sack of orange protoplasm has skated free of any meaningful convictions, it seems as though the time he paid hush money to adult entertainer and his once upon a time paramour, Stormy Daniels. 

Imminent. That was the word used to describe an indictment coming down from the Manhattan district attorney. Of course, we have all heard this line before, All the witnesses and evidence and legal ducks have been lined up plenty of times before for various and sundry crimes and, um, other crimes. Eleven of the twice-impeached former game show host's associates have already been charged with crimes and accumulated thirty years of prison time, and this is before we start chalking up the minions who stormed the Capitol after the former game show host lost the popular vote for the second time. These gullible folks are the trailing end of a wave of corruption that rivaled and at times overwhelmed memories of the Watergate era. Names like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone hang around the edges of this pool of lies and deceit. But somehow, Donald J Trump has yet to face the music. 

Paying an adult film star to keep his tawdry personal life a secret seems like a pretty low rung on the justice ladder, but maybe there is some solid karma coming down from it. Considering the lead witness in this case was the failed "president's" attorney who was the fixer who paid off Stormy Daniels in addition to a great many other shady dealings, this seems like a pretty easy case to make. 

Easy, but not open and shut. Maybe we can just keep our fingers crossed for that raging case of syphilis. 

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