Monday, March 20, 2023

Dressed To Thrill

 I had this image of a revolution. It would be held in Florida, where so much that is, in my judgement, wrong with the country currently sits lurking in the swamp. Last week, the governor of the Sunshine State was seeking to revoke the liquor license of the Miami Hyatt because back in December it had hosted an event called "A Drag Queen Christmas." The regulators of such things are attempting to find a way to get the hotel on the grounds that minors were allowed into a "lewd" and "vulgar" event. The tickets for the event did stipulate that minors were allowed if they were in the company of an adult. 

Keep in mind, this is overreaching by a  few months, since King Ron's edict regarding drag shows has not passed into law, though one can imagine that he must have extreme legislative envy for the law that ban that now exists in Tennessee. His Royal Huffiness has made a campaign out of the meme that "Florida is where woke goes to die." 

Interesting, since there are plenty of things that go to Florida to die, starting with the fifty million retirees who call it home. And the various and sundry victims of "boating accidents" and "alligator incidents" occurring each year that are in no way connected to organized crime. 

I think right here would be a good place to remind everyone of then-mayor of New York's appearance in drag "for charity" with then-New York slum lord Donald Trump. This comes to us form a time when we were afraid of terrorists with beards, not men in women's clothes. 

It was, in many ways, a simpler time. This was before idiots armed with semi-automatic weapons started shooting up LGBTQ+ bars. It was before the drag queens in those bars started fighting back. Which is what got me thinking about the New Revolution. In retaliation for the abusive power of King Ron, in the spirit of the colonials who dressed as Native Americans and threw King George's tea into the bay in Boston, drag queens from across the south could descend on Florida. And they wouldn't have to throw tea in the bay. They could throw a party. A great big, fabulous party. Show the world what we have all come to far to be shoved back into the closet or into the margins of society. "We're here! We're queer! And we pay taxes!' 

  A final note to King Ron: You want to know what I think is lewd and vulgar? Banning books and people. That's obscene. 

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