Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Send In The Clowns

 Let's see here: Elon Musk has decided not to buy Twitter for forty-four billion dollars. The really difficult part about that is all the time people spent worrying about how that one slice of Al Gore's Internet would be forever ruined by the world's richest man using it as his personal dumping/play ground. Concerns about Jeff Bezos owning the Washington Post continue to downplayed as the reality of clowns with money remain clowns, even if the tiny cars in which they ride are more expensive. Meanwhile, one of the richest men in the world, at least by his own account, Donald "Jillionaire" Trump continues to snicker at them both from his rhinestone-encrusted bunker. 

If you're confused by all these oligarchs and their shifting alliances, you are not alone. It was only recently that Monsieur Musk announced to anyone who would listen that he was going to start voting Republican and that he was leaning toward Florida's "governor" Ronnie DeSantis in the 2024 presidential election. Which confuses things for all those Trumpsters (rhymes with "dumpsters") who looked to Monsieur Musk to be the one who would purchase Twitter and unleash their big fat orange Kraken on the the unsuspecting Twittersphere. thereby paving the way for the big fat orange Kraken to storm back into the halls of power. 

Of course the more direct route would be a forty-four billion dollar offer from Donald "Jiggy" Trump for Twitter and then he could make, and break, all the rules. But as it turns out Donald Kraken doesn't have that kind of capital. Or capitol, for that matter. He doesn't have enough money to spend on his own space ship, but he did talk the U.S. armed forces into making him a keen "Space Force" patch for his jacket. It was one of the many great things that he offered up as part of a plan to make America appear great again. Even if it wasn't really great. 

Not that the orange sack of mostly water doesn't have a legacy. He finagled three Supreme Court Justices out of one term. Given the former game show host and twice impeached "president's" overall health, it seems likely that those three Justices will outlive him. That's something that money can't buy. Well, it can. And it did. 

Meanwhile, Bezos The Very Rich Clown has taken it upon himself to taunt President Biden about gasoline prices. The fact that he runs his business at full-profit-throttle and has made more money over the past quarter than God. Last week Biden tweeted “My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.” Bezos (the very rich clown) countered (on Twitter) "Ouch. Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this. It’s either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics."

Or maybe it's a bunch of guys with way too much money and access to Twitter. Maybe we should hold out for a "people's Twitter," where only those who have missed a payment on something can take part. And we can continue to make fun of those clowns and their tiny but very expensive cars. And big shoes.

1 comment:

  1. YES PEOPLE"S TWITTER! In a sane world, communications spaces should be publicly supported entities.
