Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 Here's an interesting thing about America: We can care about Supreme Court rulings at the same time that we fret about the decisions handed down by the jury in the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp case. 

To be clear, I still don't know exactly what was going on between Amber and Johnny, and I am sure that a little bit of actual reading on the matter could clear this up.

But I don't want to. 

Meanwhile, I know that the courts in these United States are as full as they have ever been with this kind of litigation and that. We have a system of appellate courts that exist solely to hear arguments about how those initial decisions were wrong and how justice isn't served until it's had every last one of its avenues run. It is very different from the way we deal with things on the elementary playground. Rock, paper, scissors. One time. If that won't work for you, you can always go play soccer instead of four square or the other way 'round if that will seal the deal before we reach the end of recess. 

But I digress. I suppose I have a certain amount of respect for anyone who will take their case to The Supreme Court. The highest court in the land. So high, in fact that they don't hear a case that doesn't somehow involve the Constitution. Their job, as I understand it, is to interpret the Constitution and apply it to issues like gun control and a woman's right to choose. These nine judges are not elected but rather appointed after undergoing extreme and many would say impartial vetting. I wouldn't say that. I would say it's a partisan practice that creates a teeter-totter effect that has recently been played like a chess game to alter the world in which we live. At some point, it's possible that Johnny and Amber may have their disagreements aired in front of the Supremes. So that justice can prevail. 

Or you could drop by the playground and we can settle things before the bell rings. 

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