Friday, June 24, 2022

Tune Out, Drop In

 Okay. I get it. Donald Trump knew that he lost the election and went about trying to keep himself in the seat of power regardless of the outcome. 

I got that back on or before January 5, 2021. What has happened since then has been an exercise in just how far from reality money can keep one from the aforementioned reality. Witnesses, Videotape. More witnesses. Videotape of witnesses. Still more witnesses. People who saw the former "president" and game show host cling desperately to the notion that anything is possible if you wish hard enough. And threaten your underlings. 

You've got to have underlings in this kind of endeavor. The trouble with underlings is that eventually they tire of bearing the weight of the ridiculous expectations presented by the moron in charge. And the really creepy part is just how much abuse these underlings are willing to take in order to cling to their own sliver of the power pie. 

Then there are the crowds. Not just the ones that stormed the Capitol a year and a half ago, but the ones that continue to flock to auditoriums and barns across this great land of ours to hear the bloated sack of protoplasm yammer on about how unfairly he has been treated by the system he tried to subvert. These are the tiny brains that refused to peek at the news back when it was news. These are the pointy heads that would not even sniff around the edges of the evidence presented by the January 6 Committee. Which, I suppose, makes sense. Once the loosely knit threads of fabrication start to unravel, not only will their emperor be standing there in all his naked orange glory, but they will be forced to reckon with the fact that they have been lied to ever since he came gliding down that escalator way back in 2015. Like waking up from a seven year bender and finding that you really did trade everything you owned for a red baseball cap and some magic beans. 

The tough thing to reconcile here is the way that our system has delivered this gigantic tangerine from any actual consequence time and time again. Twice impeached, he was never removed from office. Days before the inauguration of the properly elected and certified successor, he rallied all those dark forces in a failed attempt to make it all go away. It's all there, but there are those who continue to ignore it. These people are loud and full of fear. Afraid that the way of life that they were sold by this charlatan has no basis in (wait for it) reality. 

Stay tuned. 

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