Saturday, January 15, 2022


 I am pretty sure that it's a good thing that Luke Skywalker was too preoccupied with thoughts of moisture vaporators and  those power converters he wanted to pick up at Tosche Station that he wasn't listening to the interchange between Han Solo and Obi Won regarding their plan to get off the Death Star: 

"Damn fool," mutters Han, "I knew you were going to say that."

"Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?" intones Obi Won. 

It's meant to be a Jedi-zen dis of the smuggler, but instead ends up being a Force dropkick to the chops of young Skywalker. Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who leaves behind his family's moderately safe moisture farm on Tatooine, only to end up getting his "master" killed and his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru? 

Forgive me for taking you on that little nerd-ride there, but it seemed to sum up my feelings about the right wing pundits who have been sued, fired, or caught in flagrante hypocritical. The capstone to this particular pyramid are the fonts of "wisdom" that are allowed access to the airwaves and Al Gore's Internet. It's the moment that I look down below someone's name and see that they have not just hundreds, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of followers on social media. I would like to believe that the bulk of these folks are doing this following ironically and that they aren't simply lemmings blindly following the back end of a bunch of other lemmings off a cliff. This is especially true of those lemmings who are following other lemmings and not watching as their leader steps to the side at the last minute to safety while the rest of the herd plummets to their death. 

Alex Jones. Tucker Carlson. Sean Hannity. To name but a few. I could go on and on, but I believe that the word from the bottom of the cliff is pretty clear. Open your eyes. Don't believe everything you read or hear. Check out possible conflicting views from lemmings who are sitting out this particular rush to the edge. What do they know? What order do they watch the Star Wars saga? If they aren't starting with Episode IV: A New Hope, you want to check their credentials. 

Which is pretty much showing you mine, so there you are. 

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