Thursday, December 09, 2021

Too Late? Too Soon?

 A very good friend and very funny person was checking into the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley with his kids, and when the desk clerk paused a moment in the process to let him know that the spa only took reservations until five on Thursdays and Fridays, he slammed down the pen and uttered these words: "Oh, great! 9/11, and now this!"

He was being funny. He's a funny guy. The pen slam was mock outrage. His comparison to the spa being unable to accept reservations after five on Thursdays and Fridays was a little bit of theatrical humor, probably for my benefit, since I was standing there. His kids just rolled their eyes. They had probably seen  this bit before. Comparing the events of September 11, 2001 to the incredibly mild inconvenience of access to the spa in a luxury hotel is the type of thing upon which humor is based. 

Which is why comparing Doctor Fauci to Josef Mengele is so funny. Or rather is should be. If you were to tune in Saturday Night Live and watch a sketch in which some wild-eyed caricature of a Faux News correspondent went off the rails making such a comparison, it would be humorous. In questionable taste, certainly, but the attempt at making a joke would be apparent. 

No one at Fox News would make the mistake of casting Laura Logan as a comedian. Ms. Logan is the host of a show on Fox Nation called "Laura Logan Has No Agenda." Feel free, at this point, to make your own joke about that title. On this program she was not joking when she made the one to one correspondence between Doctor Anthony Fauci and Josef Mengele. Josef Mengele, also known as "The Angel of Death," who performed unspeakable experiments on the prisoners of Auschwitz. That Josef Mengele. She also chose to make this comparison on the second night of Chanukah. 

At this point, I feel compelled to mention that this very good friend of mine was in Manhattan on September, 11 2001. He lost friends in that attack. Some may argue that, even years after the fact, this bit of levity was too much too soon. But he gets points for making the joke. Ms. Logan has no agenda, and she has no discernible sense of humor. 

Or historical perspective. Doctor Fauci is in the business of saving lives. 

Get it? 

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