Friday, December 10, 2021

Getting Away With It

Once upon a time, there was a presidential candidate who insisted that, "“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters." He spent the next five years proving just exactly how true that sentiment was. 

Most of you recall that we didn't just allow this goofball to run for President, we let him take office. And after one term, two impeachments, and an election which he lost we are still trying to get rid of him and his sociopathic bent. 

Recently we learned that 45 showed up to a presidential debate after testing positive for COVID-19. His former Chief of Staff explained that in spite of the rules stating that each candidate was required “to test negative for the virus within seventy two hours of the start time … Nothing was going to stop [former gameshow host] from going out there.” 

Certainly not common sense, or concern for those in attendance. He was going out to show the world that nothing could keep him down. He was going to show them that the only one who could hold him back was the infected idiot himself. This was also the moment in which the Trumpian spawn showed up to support their sire without masks, flaunting the rules in their own deadly way. 

So, nobody died, right? Just political theater. Just 45 being 45. 

Okay, how about the Faux News interview in which he bragged: "Don't forget, I fired Comey  Had I not fired Comey, you might not be talking to me right now about a beautiful book about four years in the White House, and we'll see about the future. If I didn't fire Comey, they were looking to take down the president of the United States. I don't think could've survived if I didn't fire him." 

Hello? He just admitted to obstruction of justice. On "national" TV. A majority of Republican voters say that believing that this doofus won the 2020 election is important to being a member of the Grand Old Party. 

What will they say when he shows up on their street with a loaded gun?

Stay tuned. 

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