Thursday, November 26, 2020


 If you're like me, you are probably sitting around trying to imagine what you will say when it's suddenly your turn to pronounce what you're thankful for this year. Which is a tradition for those assembled around a table at this time of year. Keeping in mind that the folks who spawned this festival of gratitude way back when were glad that they had survived.

We should all be thankful that we too have survived. For many, this will be the solace as they look at a table that seats eight but holds only three. Those empty chairs are reminders of the fragility of life. The table itself is not as laden with food as it may once have been. But there is food. There are people across the country standing in lines to wait for food who have never had to do that. There are people who are not able to stand in line for anything anymore.

We are the survivors. We came to this land four hundred years ago. Or four months ago. Or we've been here all along. We are not leaving. We are going to make the best out of any situation that confronts us. We won't be scared away by failing crops or elected tyrants. We know that the spirit of thanksgiving is rooted in cooperation, and though we have failed miserably at times, we have also made it possible for so many to do more than just survive. Sometimes we have had to fight our own baser instincts to make room at our metaphorical table for everyone.

Now we are faced with a challenge like very few can remember. The empty chairs at those tables this year represent what must not be forgotten. We are at our best when we make room for those who have no table of their own. That's not easy when you're in survival mode. Be glad that you have what you have, but don't forget that it's only a matter of a missed payment or a forgotten mask that could change your life forever. When you make your prayers for this day, remember the now. 

This what I am thankful for: The Now. As the poet said, 

Happy that we all made it through another day
When I pick up the phone I still remember what to say
Happy that my brain still lives inside my head
Most of all I think I'm happy
Happy that I ain't dead

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