Friday, November 27, 2020

Concession Stand

 Chris Cuomo pointed out, because it's part of his job at CNN, that the need for Donald J (you decide what J means for yourself) Trump to concede the 2020 presidential election has passed. Anyone who expected anything gracious or graceful to come from this man has not been around for the past four years. The idea that the soon-to-be-ex-president was clinging to some false hope of pulling a victory out of thin air is something that he doesn't truly believe. Like so many of his lies, he figured he can repeat it enough times until it starts sounding like the truth. Or maybe the "exaggeration" that his pet vole Rudy Giuliani referred to the data from cities like Detroit was nothing but a great big lie. A fabrication. A misrepresentation. A distortion. A falsehood. A fib. A falsification. A prevarication. A fiction. A fallacy. 

A lie. 

There has not been any evidence of voter fraud connected to this election. Logic would dictate that if there was any sort of widespread conspiracy to disenfranchise Republicans would have meant that Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell would be private citizens come January. Those men kept their jobs. The big loser in this cycle seems to be the guy who insisted he couldn't lose. And when he did, he did exactly what he said he would do: insist that it was impossible that reality had finally caught up to him. Not just a few thousand, but several million more people chose Joe Biden rather than the former friend of Fox and Friends. 


Inigo Montoya : You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

So there it is. The sputtering voice of authority is thwarted simply because his view of the world is obscured by his ego. For those of us who were trying to convince anyone who would listen that the emperor was flouncing around in nothing but a red tie for the past years, this will come as a pretty nasty awakening. It's time to put the Kool-Aid down and wake up. Don't expect him to get embarrassed all of a sudden and feel any shame. That ship has sailed. We can only hope that he is a man of his word. He said that he might have to leave the country if he lost to Joe Biden. 

So he doesn't have to concede. He doesn't have to speak. 

He just has to leave. And that's no lie. 

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