Monday, September 07, 2020

The Only Game In Town

 A couple days ago, as I was experiencing a lull in the activity at my computer support station, I chose to spend a few quality time sink moments with my phone's solitaire game. It's a habit of mine that keeps me busy for minutes at a time so I figured I could turn off my active mind for a few moments of shuffling virtual cards about. After completing the first game, an ad appeared on the screen. I am quite used to this corporate bumper between deals, knowing that if I ever opted to pitch in for the pay version I could avoid these reminders of capitalism and pain relievers and other apps that are far more stimulating than clunky old solitaire. But I don't, so I use it as part of the meditative experience. 

But not this day.

After the mild celebration that comes with completing a deck, the screen dropped down a banner with a question that asked in bold red letters, "Are you an American or a Socialist?" It is possible that these sort of interruptions had been coming my way before this, and I had simply ignored them, but this one struck me raw. American or Socialist? These are my choices? I knew in a flash who was behind this ham-handed bit of rhetoric, but I was still perplexed by the way the question was just hung out there. The Campaign to Re-Elect the "President" was asking me to sign on with the Americans in that equation, and shaming anyone who might have the temerity, or open-mindedness, to choose socialism. 

I wondered what the members of the American Socialist Party would answer. "American Socialist, please and thank you." Because it has become a dirty word, this "socialist" thing. Never mind that there are wags about who would tell you that the National Football League is a prime example of socialism in the USA. Not to mention agriculture and energy subsidies offered up by our government as a matter or course. Or Medicare. Or Social Security. It's right in there: Social-ism Security. 

And just like that, it was time to get back to solitaire. 

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