Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Telling It Like It Is

 The "president's" supporters enjoy having their guy "tell it like it is." They seem to enjoy hearing the Chief Executive of the United States spout off as if he were a professional wrestler. Or a game show host. These colorful turns of phrase are and always have been part of the package when it comes to Donald Jejune Trump. 

Leaving aside for a moment how much I personally cannot stand listening to the jingoistic rhetoric that drips from the slit below his nose, I wonder how it is that any sentient human who has been listening to the stream of nonsense that comes from the aforementioned slit can continue to follow the twisted path he seems to want his minions to follow. 

He is all for law and order, and yet, in a recent interview on Fox News with Laura Ingraham he described the circumstances behind the shooting of Jacob Blake thus, "police are under siege because of things — they can do ten thousand great acts, which is what they do, and one bad apple. Or a choker. A choker. They choke." To be clear, the "president" was not referring to the questionable use of restraint on subjects but rather the idea that these bad apples are having a moment. He amplified his assertion: "They choke. Just like in a golf tournament, they miss a three-foot putt." At this moment, Ms. Ingraham rushed in to give the "president" a chance to correct any misconceptions. "You're not comparing it to golf. Because of course that's what the media would say." Rather than accepting the out though, Trump doubled down, telling her, "I'm saying people choke. People choke. And people are bad people. You have both. You have some bad people, and they choke." This is coming from the guy who is supposed to be law enforcement's biggest fan. 


I'm relatively certain that this is not what police unions, who have been coming out to endorse Mister Malaprop in large numbers, would probably want to have on their bumper stickers. "I'm a Choker, and I'm voting Trump." 

Then there's the story of the computer nerd who developed a "hot or not" rating system for college girls who said, "I have had certain discussions with him in the past and where I've told him that I thought some of the rhetoric was problematic." Mark Zuckerberg thinks your rhetoric is problematic? A guy who once said, "A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa."

Which brings us to the current kerfuffle about an article in The Atlantic titled, "Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers.'" The "president's" inner circle insists that he never did any such thing. In spite of video evidence to the contrary, he insists that he never referred to Senator John McCain as a "loser." That was four years ago. Here we are now.

I'll tell it like it is. I'm tired of all this "winning." For me: Good luck getting another TV show when this is all over. 

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