Sunday, August 16, 2020

Today's Letter Is...


M is for monster. There are a lot of them out there.

Many of them are blue and furry

Some of them are not. 

Some monsters are nice

Some monsters are not

Some of the not nice monsters went to a nice place called Sesame Place. Sesame Place is where people come to meet the nice monsters. 

Sesame Place has helpers who try to make things nice for everyone who visits. 

One of the best ways to be happy is to be safe. 

One of the helpers, who is just seventeen years old, reminded some visitors that part of being safe is wearing a mask. 

Mask starts with M.

So does monster.

The helper did not know that these visitors were not nice monsters. The not nice monsters hit the helper in the mouth. 

The helper's mouth got hurt so bad that he had to go to the hospital. Mouth starts with M.

The helper, who was trying to make sure that no one, not even monsters, had to go to the hospital had to go to the place where he was trying to keep everyone from going. 

That's just silly, right?

Or maybe its just what some monsters do.

C is for coronavirus. And conspiracy. And crazy. C is also for cookie, and that's good enough for me. 

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