Saturday, August 15, 2020


Right Now: Ambivalence Is The Enemy.

What am I talking about? The 2020 Presidential election. On Tuesday, Joe Biden announced that his running mate would be Senator Kamala Harris.  Immediately the second guessers set to work. 

Why her? Why not the other one? How about? What if? I can't believe he did that.

And so on. Democrats, who love a big tent more than just about anybody except Clyde Beatty, are now immediately reaching for the reset button in hopes that there will be some other better choice for their vice presidential candidate. And when I say "Democrats," I do not mean all of them. There are a whole lot of us in this great big old tent, and some of us are happy to see anyone with a heart beating in their chest getting an opportunity to serve their country. I will be very happy to see Senator Harris make Mike Pence cry during any and all opportunities to debate. 

And friends, let's not lose sight of this reality: Kamala Harris is a woman of color. The last time Americans had a chance to cast their vote for a major party candidate who was both of those things was (shuffling of paper) never. Yes, I know that Senator Harris is not the only qualified woman of color and certainly not the only qualified woman out there who could take on this job. Need I remind everyone that it was only a few months ago that she was being considered as a potential candidate for the highest office in the land? That's some pretty good vetting. 

So let's breathe deep and remember what is at stake here: We can become belligerent and picky to the point of despair and vote for Kanye West, or skip voting at all because we didn't want to waste a vote on someone we weren't completely sure with whom we were in love. Allowing the bloated sack of protoplasm and his minions to continue their reign of terror until the reduce our country to a burned out cinder. 

Or we can get behind Joe and Kamala and push. This is my country, and I want it back. I am tired of holding out for just the right shade of blue. This is our bus, and I'm getting on. I do not believe there will be another one coming anytime soon if we miss this one.

Climb on.

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