Friday, July 24, 2020

The Logical Song

Hello, and welcome to another episode of "Don't We Have Enough To Worry About?"
Gun violence is on the rise in many urban areas. Chicago saw eleven shot and killed along with fifty-nine injured last weekend. Philadelphia's murder rate is up thirty-three percent over last year. As if the one hundred forty thousand COVID-19 deaths were not enough, we have to add a layer of shootings as some sort or horrible meringue on this ugly summer. It does make a certain kind of sense, however, given the tension levels across America these days. The kind of desperation that often causes those with guns to make bad choices in an attempt to solve whatever problem they see in front of them is now a cloud from which we cannot escape.
And it's not just youth gang-related killings that continue. Over the weekend, the son and husband of federal judge Esther Salas were shot. Not by roving gangs of rioters, or home invaders, but by a seventy-two year old attorney who had a pending case before Judge Salas. Her twenty year old son who was home from college died after being shot through the heart, and her sixty-three year old husband was in critical condition after surgery. Roy Den Hollander, the "Men's Rights" lawyer was discovered by a cleaning crew a short time after, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Authorities suggest that Den Hollander approached the Salas family residence disguised as a Fed Ex delivery person. Apparently he planned to hand the judge a package in hopes of getting her face to face. The cleaning crew found the package alongside Den Hollander's body in his car. He was also said to have been battling inoperable cancer. 
However, as far back as seven years ago, he told The New York Daily News that “I’m beginning to think it’s time for vigilante justice, civil disobedience," telling the newspaper that he “may pull a Carrie Nation on the Ladies’ Nights clubs.” Long before the advent of COVID-19 and masks and quarantine, Den Hollander was looking for "alternative solutions" to his frustrations. The cancer diagnosis may have freed him to head off on his rampage. Ironically, all of the people killed by Mister Den Hollander were men. 
But logic isn't exactly what we find ourselves discussing this summer. Meanwhile, a war continues to rage on in the streets and the country lanes of America. And logic is in pretty short supply there, too. 
Stay home. Stay safe. Stay alive. 

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