Saturday, July 25, 2020


What could be more terrifying for highly trained federal agents to confront than one naked woman? How about a line of women, linking arms, dressed in yellow shirts? The idea that "it could only happen in Portland" may be misleading. By sending in his secret police, the "president" has upped the ante in the game of "law and order" he seems intent on winning regardless of what the optics are. The folks in Portland understand this, and have shown up in ways that seem to confound the shock troops that have entered the fray in the Great Northwest.
Currently I am happy enough with this weird behavior being contained in the state just above me. While it sometimes feels a little like an episode of Portlandia, the stakes are incredibly high. The "president" has suggested that he may send more of these anonymously ominous contingents to other big cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, and other cities to deal with unrest. Because, he believes, "In Portland they’ve done a fantastic job." An interesting perspective, since the demonstrations which were on their way to calming down in Rose City. That trend has been solidly countered with the arrival of these stormtroopers with their tear gas and rubber bullets. Portland's mayor, Ted Wheeler, has said in so many words that the posse comitatus is not welcome there.
These words were not regarded by the "president." Instead, he sees this escalation of force necessary to maintain "law and order." In true Portland fashion, the response was to send a crew of dads out with leaf blowers to support the gold shirted mothers. The leaf blowers are a nice touch and very effective at dispersing tear gas. In the middle of all this surreality, comes Navy veteran Christopher David. In his Navy hat and sweatshirt, and a mask, he approached one of the militarized agents hopin to reason with them. “What they were doing was unconstitutional,” David said. ”Sometimes I worry that people take the oath of office or the oath to the Constitution, and it’s just a set of words that mean nothing. They really don’t feel in their heart the weight of those words.” The agent's response? He swung a baton at David with full force. With both hands. Five times. Two broken bones in his hand. Then another agent squirted him in the face with pepper spray. 
This is how they are treating unarmed veterans. "Violent anarchists" in the view of the administration. American citizens have been pulled off the streets and into unmarked vehicles by these extras from Terry Gilliam's Brazil
My wife has announced that if they show up in Oakland, she is ready to grab her gold shirt and go. I don't own a leaf blower, but I suppose I could show up naked. That should scare some people away. 

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